Be Our Hero and help bring education, health care, vocational training, and personal development to children in Tomas Borge Nicaragua.

Children in Nicaragua desperately need the tools to change their families for generations. Sign up today to be a monthly giver to bring these amazing children the tools they need to break free and dream a new future for their family and community.


100% of your giving goes directly to found our programs


Thousands of people in Nicaragua do not have access to quality education, health care, and vocational training.

Over 120 Students have received quality education

Food engineering to be taught to students and community

Food engineering is taught to students and community

Over 1000 patient have received quality health care

Over 5,819 patients have received quality health care


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Over 80 Women have been taught to sew

Over 3,067 hours of community service have been completed by ours students just in this year


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