

What We Believe..

We believe in our students. They are our   "Why". We want our students to have confidence in themselves and confidence in their own gifts and abilities. We want them to dream dreams for the future impact that they can have in their community and beyond. We do not want to limit our students into believing these dreams are only possible through a sponsored relationship. For this reason and more we are committed to an anonymous Sponsorship program. We do not broker a relationship between Sponsor and Student.

  • We will provide a picture and name that our sponsors can track over time.

  • We will provide updates on the student so sponsors can see their student's progress and how their gift is making an impact world wide.

Questions & Answers:

What does the sponsored student receive?

When you Sponsor, every penny goes towards programs in the student's community that are directed toward a holistic approach to poverty alleviation.  

Your donation helps provide the following essentials for these children: education, basic health care, sports programs, community development and much more.

What does the Sponsor receive?

Once you register, You will receive a Welcome packet from LB4C. Included in your welcome packet is a short description of what we do as well as a welcome to the journey picture. 

Our Sponsors receive updates throughout the year of some of our best and brightest students. Over time we will give updates on these students and how they are progressing and developing.

For Sponsors who choose to volunteer with a team in our school and community: it is possible to visit these students and get to know them deeper. We do ask, however, that your relationship as a sponsor remains anonymous to our students.

How long is my Sponsorship commitment?

There is no end date to your sponsorship, though you can cancel anytime via email. We track our students even after they graduate and go to the university. It is our hope that when a student graduates our sponsors will continue their support and receive a new student to track. 

How much does Sponsorship cost?

Our level one Sponsorship rate $28.00.

Registration is done online where you can choose the donation amount.

Why choose LB4C Sponsorship?

To change lives. We believe that real change happens through intentional, long-term, loving relationships.  

While other organizations can be spread out all over the world with tremendous overhead and administrative costs, LB4C partners with local Nicamerican Missions of León and is managed by missionaries who have a heart for these communities. We believe in these relationships.  We believe in change. One life, one community, one world at a time.  

How do I register to become a Sponsor?

By clicking the link below.